Having the proper fishing rod is as important as having the correct clippers when performing a haircut, or for that matter, you need proper equipment in any job or sports. There is a large range of rods, bait options and techniques that are available for you to choose from. Some rod manufacturers have created rods for a certain type of bait alone that are able to go the distance, further in reach and more precisely. The angler can also be more balanced taking full advantage over a particular fish in tow. A fisherman or fisherwoman can now enjoy the sport a lot more if they pick the best tool possible. When the right rod is picked correctly for a given a certain reason allows the fisherman to throw the bait more accurately, more strikes can be detected, and enhances the set of the hook to catch your fish. Ugly Stik has rods for the entire family to enjoy, from beginners to expert levels!
The lure is the most important thing to consider when choosing your Ugly Stik. A pair of sheers can preform a haircut, but is it the most precise or effective tool to use? If you choose a flipping rod and use crank baits, that would make the fishing more difficult also. You could throw a crankbait out with the flipping rod, but the accuracy, distance and ability to land the fish may suffer. You need to know the parts of a rod, and know how they may affect a day out fishing on a lake, river or ocean, and first things first- picking the right fishing rod for the fish you are going after.
When choosing your Ugly Stik it will either be a spinning rod or baitcasting rod, there are three important things to think about: the length, the action, and the power. The right combinations will give you longer and more accurate casts with the technique or lure. Add some length in the equations and the combination will give you more control over certain fish. If you take into consideration these three things it will prevent the angler from getting fatigued.
Rod length is based solely on the fisherman, some say the length should be limited to the angler’s ability to fish with it. Longer rods are believed to pick up more line on a hook set. Length on a rod can make up for errors committed by the angler. Having the correct length will also make better balancing when applying pressure against a wild jumping fish on the hook.
Action is how much will the tip bend, also where and how the rod flexes when force is applied, how much will the tip bend. Actions are the same with most companies that manufacture rods. The rating terms amongst these actions and rods can get a bit mind twisting. Some of them use the same three categories as mentioned above for power rating: light, medium, or heavy and or others use speed variations: moderate, fast, extra fast. Different variations describe actually how “fast” the rod stops bending and transfers power to the blank. An extra fast acting fishing rod will bend three to four inches before the transfer of power to the blank, which is quick. A moderate fast will bend slow, a third of the way down the blank.
Action is a power balancer for casting and fighting. The rod’s action influences how well it will cast, or the sensitivey of the tip, also the rate at which it transfers the hook set to the bait at the end of the line. A lighter, slower action will cast lighter baits while a heavier action will give you faster action that works better with heavier baits.
Power is the pressure that the angler must to apply to make the rod bend. The heavy action rods requires you to apply more pressure to bend them and light action rods bend easily. Light, medium, and heavy are how the rods are categorized. Some situations, there are rods that rank in the middle levels as medium-light or medium-heavy. Espensive rod companies categorize using a numerical system to describe what the power rating is, usually one through five (one being the lightest action and five being the heavy action)